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Our Lenten Journey: Easter Sunday

Our Lenten Journey: The Triumphal Journey

Our Lenten Journey: John 3:16 part 2

Our Lenten Journey: John 3:16 Part
You can see the supplemental information for the sermon here
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Our Lenten Journey: Temple & Tables

Our Lenten Journey: Transfiguration

Our Lenten Journey: Philippians

As Jesus Said: This is My Body
We will be looking at major teachings of Jesus as he makes his way to Jerusalem and Easter Sunday. This series focuses on challenging words from Jesus in the Gospel…
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As Jesus Said: A Few Cents
We will be looking at major teachings of Jesus as he makes his way to Jerusalem and Easter Sunday. This series focuses on challenging words from Jesus in the Gospel…
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As Jesus Said: God of the Living
We will be looking at major teachings of Jesus as he makes his way to Jerusalem and Easter Sunday. This series focuses on challenging words from Jesus in the Gospel…
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As Jesus Said: A House of Prayer
We will be looking at major teachings of Jesus as he makes his way to Jerusalem and Easter Sunday. This series focuses on challenging words from Jesus in the Gospel…
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As Jesus Said: Come to Serve
We will be looking at major teachings of Jesus as he makes his way to Jerusalem and Easter Sunday. This series focuses on challenging words from Jesus in the Gospel…
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As Jesus Said: Going up to Jerusalem
We will be looking at major teachings of Jesus as he makes his way to Jerusalem and Easter Sunday. This series focuses on challenging words from Jesus in the Gospel…
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Easter: Our Resurrection Philosophy
How does the story of the resurrection still fit into OUR story?
Meeting Zacchaeus