When you’re ready for church, we are ready for you. ALL of You!

Engaging in a faith community is crucial for children and parents, but it is not always easy. As a parent, especially of young children, you need a lot of support. There are a lot of parents at Edgewood Church, and WE GET IT.

We want to support you and your growing family.

For All Parents

Children are always welcome in “Big Church” with you. We are accustomed to the sounds and movements of children in the space.

Would you like a tour? If you want to see the space and plan ahead, we are happy to show you around during the week.


NEW! Family Hour: You’re invited to the Edgewood Church playground every Sunday from 9am-10am weather permitting. Come let the children get their wiggles out while parents get to chat and drink coffee.

New Parents and Infants

Congratulations! It “takes a village” from the very beginning of your child’s life. Please accept our offers of meals and help with errands. Take-out gets old. If you feel you may be experiencing postpartum depression, please reach out. You are not alone. There are resources to help.

When you come to church…

  • Make use of our nursery/ family room as needed. It is a quiet / private space with a couch, comfy chair, changing table and crib.
  • If the main space is too ________, choose a rocking chair in the nursery or front porch where you can still hear the church service through speakers. The porch is also a good choice if you want to limit the germs but still want the community of church.
  • Based on your comfort level, there is a nursery helper available to hold your baby and give you a break.

Children under 3

To the right as you enter the building, there is a nursery / family room. Your children under three (or all your children) are welcome to play in the nursery with you during church. If you chose to stay in the nursery, you can still hear and see the church service.

Edgewood Kids! (3YO-5th grade)

Attuning our playful hearts to the God that delights in us.

Start your Sunday in “Big Church” for songs, prayer and our Bible verse reading. Just before the sermon, Miss Andrea will invite any children 3YO-5th grade to join her for Children’s church.

In children’s church, Miss Andrea offers a story, craft and activity. The main intention though is to connect with the children in a way that teaches them:

They are valuable, part of a community and God loves them.


6th grade – high school ages are fully incorporated into the larger church community. They remain in church for the sermon so they can think about their faith in a mixed age environment. Time outside of Sunday is set aside for them to bond with their peers and talk about how faith intersects with their lives.

Youth are invited into full participation! They are encouraged to volunteer, read the scripture, offer the prayer or serve as a Jr. Children’s Church Helper, according to their comfort level.