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(Current) Big Picture: Old Testament Metanarrative

With Jesus: Teachings from the Sermon on the Mount

Little Free Library: Church Letters & Essays
"I will meditate on your word day and night." Psalm 1:2 // With a few helpful tools, your Bible reading comes to life in a new way. Let's learn together…
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Little Free Library: Early Laws

Little Free Library: Biblical Poetry
"I will meditate on your word day and night." Psalm 1:2 // With a few helpful tools, your Bible reading comes to life in a new way. Let's learn together…
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Little Library – Hebrew Stories
"I will meditate on your word day and night." Psalm 1:2 // With a few helpful tools, your Bible reading comes to life in a new way. Let's learn together…
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Readiness: Truth
How can we remain whole and stand firm in the love of God in the face of difficult circumstances?
Consider This: Job
Wisdom literature teaches us a lot about life. The good, the bad and complex are all wrestled with in this series.
Consider This: Ecclesiastes
Wisdom literature teaches us a lot about life. The good, the bad and complex are all wrestled with in this series.
Consider This
Wisdom literature teaches us a lot about life. The good, the bad and complex are all wrestled with in this series.
Joseph’s Family
The Old Testament is full of interesting stories. Have you heard this one?
David Spares Saul
The Old Testament is full of interesting stories. Have you heard this one?
David & the Bread
The Old Testament is full of interesting stories. Have you heard this one?
Elijah Meets God
The Old Testament is full of interesting stories. Have you heard this one?
Isaiah’s Vision
The Old Testament is full of interesting stories. Have you heard this one?